SM712二極管 RS-485接口ESD靜電防護器件
查閱東沃電子“ESD-SM712 Datasheet”產品手冊可知:
√ Protects two -7V to 12V lines√ Low capacitance
√ Low clamping voltage
√ Solid-state silicon avalanche technology
√ IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD) ±15kV (air), ±8kV (contact)
√ IEC 61000-4-4 (EFT) 40A (5/50ns)
√ IEC 61000-4-5 (Lightning) 12A (8/20μs)
√ 峰值脈沖功率Peak Pulse Power ( tp =8/20μs): 400W√ 峰值脈沖電流Peak Pulse Current ( tp =8/20μs): 12A
√ 工作電壓Reverse Stand-Off Voltage: 12V和7V
√ 擊穿電壓Reverse Breakdown Voltage: 13.3V和7.5V
√ 鉗位電壓Clamping Voltage: 26V
√ 漏電流Reverse Leakage Current: 1uA
√ 結電容Junction Capacitance: 45pF 75pF
√ 封裝Package: SOT-23
EIA RS-485 specifies a ±7V ground difference between devices on the bus. This permits the bus voltage to range from +12V (5V + 7V) to -7V (0 - 7V). The SM712 is designed to protect two RS-485 data lines in extended common mode applications. The SM712 may be used to protect devices from transient voltages resulting from ESD, EFT, and lightning. The device is designed with asymmetrical operating voltages for optimum protection. The TVS diodes at pins 1 and 2 have a working voltage of 12 volts. These pins are connected to the differential data line pairs. The TVS diodes at pin 3 have a working voltage of 7 volts. Pin 3 is connected to ground. The internal TVS diodes of the SM712 will protect the transceiver input from positive transient voltage spikes greater than 12V and Negative spikes greater than 7V. A series current limiting resistor may be added in applications requiring enhanced surge immunity.
由此可知,SM712是RS-485接口常用的靜電ESD防護器件,也是客戶常咨詢的ESD二極管。關于SM712的價格、現貨、交期等其他方面的問題,可以咨詢東沃電子銷售工程師:136 7581 6901(微信同號)朱工